
I love to Ramble, and encourage you to Ramble as well!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

How to Age Youthfully

Lets face it, we live in a world that focuses on beauty and youth. In the bigger picture, it truly doesn't matter. You can't be a beautiful person, without a beautiful heart and soul, and youth doesn't last forever. Regardless of all of that, our culture still manages to judge each other, based on looks and age. It can be very difficult at times, nobody likes to feel like an outcast. That being said, here's a few ideas on how to rejuvenate your youthful appearance.

I would also like to mention that I will be 30yrs old tomorrow, and I still get I.D'd! It's not completely due to good genes.

Lets start from the inside...

1- Have a positive attitude!
How we act/react weights heavily on our outward appearance. We have all heard it before, stress adds years and is the cause of weight gain and illness. This is absolutely true! We all get into a funk at times, but don't allow it to consume you. Take a walk, exercise, meditate or whatever you need to do to get rid of the negative energy build-up.

2- Smile!
Be happy from the inside out. Spread positive energy to the people around you. Smiling, will instantly add a glow to your face :)

3- Eat properly.
Not always easy, I would know! However, you can't give up. Not only will you be healthier, it will also show in your skin and body. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies and limit your meat intake. Avoid too many sugars and caffeine (guilty), these are unhealthy and can age you very easily. Of course, if you're a smoker, it's going to have the same effect only more rapidly.

4- Drink plenty of water!
I struggle with this one sometimes. Even though I know that I should be drinking more water, I don't like the feeling of being bloated. On the other hand, I drink too much caffeine and retain water, so the most obvious choice is to just drink the damn water! The adult human body is composed of approximately 55 to 60% water. The brain is composed of 70% water, as is skin. Blood is 82% water, and the lungs are nearly 90% water, these are just approximations. The point is, water is an important part of our make-up and we need it to replenish our bodies, and it keeps our skin clear and youthful. So many times, I see older women with dried out skin and hair, this could be reversed by drinking more water! In fact, I'm going to get a glass right now.......

And...I'm back!

5- Get plenty of rest.
Over exertion will cause you to crash and burn. You need your rest, so your body can replenish itself. Even as you sleep, your body is working to create a stable environment on the inside. Plenty of sleep, will give you more energy making you feel more youthful. When you feel youthful, you appear youthful.

Now that we got the big things out of the way, lets start discussing the little tricks that will help our bodies from the outside......

6- A lack of water and rest, usually results in bags under the eyes. Products with caffeine added, are available for purchase. The idea is that caffeine will stimulate blood circulation in the micro-capillaries around the eye. Thus lessening the appearance of under eye circles. Personally, I prefer to use products that are as natural as possible. Many of our average day beauty products, are filled with chemicals that we can't even pronounce! Not to mention, we most likely absorb some of these chemicals through our skin.
I like to use lemon juice after washing my face, 2 times a day. Be careful not to get too close to your eyes for obvious reasons. For a toner, I use witch hazel, which tones and softens my skin.

7- Wear less makeup.
I hate to leave the house without "putting my face on". It's more habitual than anything. When I'm at home, I try to wear no makeup as much as possible. I allow my skin time to breathe and to replenish itself with healthy, new cells. Try not to rub your face and eyes with your hands, you will be spreading the naturals oils around your face and potentially cause breakouts.
Always apply moisturizer, even if you have oily skin! Just find one that meets your skins needs. A moisturizer will act as a barrier between your skin and the elements, or your skin and your makeup.

8- Go natural.
I have touched on this in other the other points. I believe that it's safer to use items from their most natural state possible. This goes for foods (avoid processed), cosmetics etc. I would rather make my own cream, than purchase one full of chemicals. Who knows what we are applying to our skin?! I also enjoy using LUSH Products, they are very close to a natural state. If you're comfortable with your products, go for it! Perhaps I'm just too sensitive with chemicals.

9- Condition your hair/moisturize your skin.
Every so often, I like to use Extra Virgin Olive oil and some sort of essential oil, to condition my hair. It can be a little heavy, so only use 1-2 tbsp max depending on your hair. The olive oil will act as a moisturizer and carrier oil for the essential oil. Most essential oils like, peppermint, orange blossom etc. need to be diluted to use on the skin and hair. Lavender oil, is one of the few essential oils that doesn't need a carrier oil. The Ancient Egyptians used Olive oil in many of their beauty treatments, it works as an excellent moisturizer as well. A little bit, is often enough.

Well, this is all that I can think about off of the top of my head. I know that I have plenty more tips and tricks, but these are the main ones.

These things work for me, perhaps they won't work for you, but at least they are worth a try if you're experiencing these problems.

There are tons of naturally healing and beauty tips floating around, just be sure to research them well before attempting them.

Beauty and youth are really not that important. I loathe living in a society that bases it's judgement on your character, by looks alone. However, I understand that it can be a bit of a struggle at times. Some of these things are quick fixes. What truly matters, is what's on the inside. Stay true to who you are, be a good person and your beauty will shine through no matter what.

Much Love,


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