
I love to Ramble, and encourage you to Ramble as well!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

How to Age Youthfully

Lets face it, we live in a world that focuses on beauty and youth. In the bigger picture, it truly doesn't matter. You can't be a beautiful person, without a beautiful heart and soul, and youth doesn't last forever. Regardless of all of that, our culture still manages to judge each other, based on looks and age. It can be very difficult at times, nobody likes to feel like an outcast. That being said, here's a few ideas on how to rejuvenate your youthful appearance.

I would also like to mention that I will be 30yrs old tomorrow, and I still get I.D'd! It's not completely due to good genes.

Lets start from the inside...

1- Have a positive attitude!
How we act/react weights heavily on our outward appearance. We have all heard it before, stress adds years and is the cause of weight gain and illness. This is absolutely true! We all get into a funk at times, but don't allow it to consume you. Take a walk, exercise, meditate or whatever you need to do to get rid of the negative energy build-up.

2- Smile!
Be happy from the inside out. Spread positive energy to the people around you. Smiling, will instantly add a glow to your face :)

3- Eat properly.
Not always easy, I would know! However, you can't give up. Not only will you be healthier, it will also show in your skin and body. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies and limit your meat intake. Avoid too many sugars and caffeine (guilty), these are unhealthy and can age you very easily. Of course, if you're a smoker, it's going to have the same effect only more rapidly.

4- Drink plenty of water!
I struggle with this one sometimes. Even though I know that I should be drinking more water, I don't like the feeling of being bloated. On the other hand, I drink too much caffeine and retain water, so the most obvious choice is to just drink the damn water! The adult human body is composed of approximately 55 to 60% water. The brain is composed of 70% water, as is skin. Blood is 82% water, and the lungs are nearly 90% water, these are just approximations. The point is, water is an important part of our make-up and we need it to replenish our bodies, and it keeps our skin clear and youthful. So many times, I see older women with dried out skin and hair, this could be reversed by drinking more water! In fact, I'm going to get a glass right now.......

And...I'm back!

5- Get plenty of rest.
Over exertion will cause you to crash and burn. You need your rest, so your body can replenish itself. Even as you sleep, your body is working to create a stable environment on the inside. Plenty of sleep, will give you more energy making you feel more youthful. When you feel youthful, you appear youthful.

Now that we got the big things out of the way, lets start discussing the little tricks that will help our bodies from the outside......

6- A lack of water and rest, usually results in bags under the eyes. Products with caffeine added, are available for purchase. The idea is that caffeine will stimulate blood circulation in the micro-capillaries around the eye. Thus lessening the appearance of under eye circles. Personally, I prefer to use products that are as natural as possible. Many of our average day beauty products, are filled with chemicals that we can't even pronounce! Not to mention, we most likely absorb some of these chemicals through our skin.
I like to use lemon juice after washing my face, 2 times a day. Be careful not to get too close to your eyes for obvious reasons. For a toner, I use witch hazel, which tones and softens my skin.

7- Wear less makeup.
I hate to leave the house without "putting my face on". It's more habitual than anything. When I'm at home, I try to wear no makeup as much as possible. I allow my skin time to breathe and to replenish itself with healthy, new cells. Try not to rub your face and eyes with your hands, you will be spreading the naturals oils around your face and potentially cause breakouts.
Always apply moisturizer, even if you have oily skin! Just find one that meets your skins needs. A moisturizer will act as a barrier between your skin and the elements, or your skin and your makeup.

8- Go natural.
I have touched on this in other the other points. I believe that it's safer to use items from their most natural state possible. This goes for foods (avoid processed), cosmetics etc. I would rather make my own cream, than purchase one full of chemicals. Who knows what we are applying to our skin?! I also enjoy using LUSH Products, they are very close to a natural state. If you're comfortable with your products, go for it! Perhaps I'm just too sensitive with chemicals.

9- Condition your hair/moisturize your skin.
Every so often, I like to use Extra Virgin Olive oil and some sort of essential oil, to condition my hair. It can be a little heavy, so only use 1-2 tbsp max depending on your hair. The olive oil will act as a moisturizer and carrier oil for the essential oil. Most essential oils like, peppermint, orange blossom etc. need to be diluted to use on the skin and hair. Lavender oil, is one of the few essential oils that doesn't need a carrier oil. The Ancient Egyptians used Olive oil in many of their beauty treatments, it works as an excellent moisturizer as well. A little bit, is often enough.

Well, this is all that I can think about off of the top of my head. I know that I have plenty more tips and tricks, but these are the main ones.

These things work for me, perhaps they won't work for you, but at least they are worth a try if you're experiencing these problems.

There are tons of naturally healing and beauty tips floating around, just be sure to research them well before attempting them.

Beauty and youth are really not that important. I loathe living in a society that bases it's judgement on your character, by looks alone. However, I understand that it can be a bit of a struggle at times. Some of these things are quick fixes. What truly matters, is what's on the inside. Stay true to who you are, be a good person and your beauty will shine through no matter what.

Much Love,


Thursday 17 November 2011

Dream World: Dream Analogy

I have always been a big dreamer. Not only do I have big goals in mind, I also have some fantastic journeys when sleeping. Now, before you read on, keep in mind that this is only an opinion. Not everybody will agree with my opinions and ideas and that's cool. I will be basing this opinion on experience, some psychology, symbolism and intuition.

Follow along if interested......

Supposedly, the Cree tribe is known to be blessed with dream analogy. Not sure if this is completely factual, but it would explain the intuition part. Recently, I have had the pleasure of assisting a few people with their dreams and dream analogy.

I believe that our dreams serve different purposes.....

Some are Symbolic: These types of dreams are a way for our sub conscience to communicate with us when we are in distress. Many of us have become skilled at suppressing information throughout our day that may be harmful to ourselves, or that may potentially cause us pain. We are completely unaware of this most of the time. Suddenly, you may find yourself having vivid, aggressive dreams. Your sub conscience is trying to reach out to you. Some of the information that you suppress, seeps out of your sub conscience into your dreams. It comes in bits of information and it's up to us to decode it.

The best way to analyze this type of dream: Dream recall is essential. In order to analyze any type of dream, you need to be able to recall the information. Practice dream recall nightly. Once you are able to recall most of the information from your dreams, pick out the things that stand out to you the most. For example, if you recall a certain color "blue" and your dream seem to be really focused on that color, it's likely that the color has some sort of symbolism or meaning to it. Pay attention to the things that stand out most to you. Once you have come up with a few things that stood out in the dream, research their meaning. I suggest: Using dream analogy books, online resources and symbolism. Symbols usually have different meanings than dream meanings. Once you've compiled a list of meanings for your items, see if you can figure out a common denominator.

For example, Dreaming about Fishing+ Water, lets say that both of these elements stood out on their own. A loose interpretation of dreaming about water: To see water in your dream, symbolizes your unconscious and your emotional state of mind. to dream of Fishing: To dream that you are fishing indicates that you are confronting and bringing your repressed emotions to the surface.

The common denominator of these two elements would be "Suppression". The unconscious mind is responsible for hiding and storing information, at the same time, you're fighting to bring your emotions to the surface. What information are you fighting with? what is it that you so badly don't want to confront? Perhaps, this dream is trying to tell you that you have some unresolved issues that need to be acknowledged. For these types of dreams, you need to reflect on the issues of your waking life. Have you been, or are you going through something traumatic? Are you stressed out?

Another type of dream is Religious/Spiritual: Whether you choose to believe in these or not, I believe that they do happen for a reason. The best way to identify these types of dreams, is again to pay attention to the specific elements that your dream allows you to recall. Find the meaning of these elements and again, find the common denominator. This is why I suggest finding the symbolic meaning of elements as well as the dream meaning, both can have two different meanings. Always cross reference your meanings with other sources. Use books, the internet and any other resources that you can get your hands on. Never assume that the first meaning you find, is the correct one.

Some dreams are meant to guide us in the right direction. These dreams often include an animal or familiar face, who acts as our guides. These are very special dreams, they are meant to keep us on our path. Sometimes, we get warnings in our dreams, listen to them carefully. I'm not saying that a passed relative is necessarily trying to communicate a message. I'm saying that we are somehow being warned of things, perhaps by our own instinctive selves.

Other dreams are random. They are just a way for our complicated minds to de clutter. These types of dreams, are just random things with no specific acknowledgment to certain elements. If nothing stands out to you in this dream, it's not anything that needs to be addressed.

As stated previously, this as all completely based on my opinion alone. You don't have to agree with it, or think that it's an exact depiction of your dream world. Perhaps you don't care about your dreams, which is not likely since you have read this far....

Dreams can be quite complicated to decode. It takes practice to dream recall, find the common denominators and find their correct meanings. However, once you have figured things out, it will allow you to cope better with your issues in the waking life (your every day life).

Once you learn to separate dreams from reality, and listen to your sub conscience, you may even be able to understand "lucid dreaming". Some of us have done this without even realizing it, but it's something that can be done on demand with practice......

Lucid Dreaming: Lucid dreaming is defined as dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming. You are literally able to identify as dream as not being your true reality. You will have control over your actions and reactions in this type of dream. I don't know about you, but I love the power of being able to control my own actions, even in a dream state. I have some tips and experience, on the topic of lucid dreaming.

Some resources that I have mentioned for dream meanings: Dream Moods Dictionary: http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/a.htm , Signs and Symbols- an illustrated guide to their origins and meanings- Covent Garden Book (book), The element of Encyclopedia of secret signs and symbols- Adele Nozedar (book).

I hope that this information helps decode some of your crazy dreams. Remember, if you find this difficult to do on your own, I'm always happy to help!



Wednesday 26 October 2011

I'm on my Way!

I have been looking for "Equilibrium" for years now. I could never seem to put my finger on what exactly, it was that I needed. I had an idea, but it was not clear.

Until now,

I believe that I figured it out, at least a part of it. In the grand scheme of things, it's likely a very small part of "it".

I have realized that, balance has to start with me. I needed to focus on bringing my mind, body and soul together, before I could connect with everything else.

I went through a brief moment of depression while I tried to sort out my thoughts. I drifted back and forth between past, present and future. I dug deep and brought all of my "issues" to the surface, so that I could acknowledge them and understand them. Now, I have accepted them and I can move on without being bound by them.

Now, I'm not perfect. I'm not striving for perfection anymore. I continue to make mistakes in life and that's ok. I'm not claiming to over-haul my entire life, to a strict regime that is oh so perfect. I still enjoy my fatty coffees, random fast food indulgances and chocolate! Sometimes, I just don't want to work out. I love to sleep...lots!

In order to find my "Equilibrium", I had to start with my mind first. A strong mind, can get you through anything! As I said earlier, I started by facing my issues. Next, I changed my perspective (even more so than usual). I continue to practice meditation daily and I remind myself to "slow down" so that my body has a chance to keep up with my strung-out thoughts. The more I relax, the more balanced I feel.

Next, I had to make a decision. I grew up very Religiously. In fact, at times it was quite strict. I come from an extended family that is highly Religious in their views. That's ok, but it's not me. I also come from a family who has some very Spiritually minded people. This is the side of my family that I'm still exploring, my Native side. This feels right for me. I have made the choice to be Spiritual instead of Religious. Actually, they both have much of the same elements, only applied a bit differently. I prefer to see things from a different angle, and I'm always coming back to Nature for answers.

Lastly, I needed to concentrate on my body. As stated in a previous blog, I suspect that I may be a binge eater. I don't like to eat and I like to eat for comfort food all at once. I needed to figure out a way to break that chain. I did some research and came up with a few things to try.

I started by figuring out my primary dosha. Which is your Ayurveda body type. There are three types of Dosha's: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. I discovered which one I was, and researched the proper diet that needed to be applied to my dosha. I'm fairly new to this idea, but I'm starting to see and feel changes already. Next, it was only natural for me to stumble across "Raw Diets". This is not a diet or fad, it's a way of living. Raw diets incorporate foods that can be eaten raw for their full nutritional value such as: Apples, seeds, beans veggies and fruits...you get the idea.

As for exercise, I do a minimum of 30 min/day (just started in the past wk and a half). I use "Your Shape- Fitness Evolved" on the xbox kinect to do kick boxing, Tai-Chi and other kick butt activities. I go for walks, and jump on the elliptical trainer when it's too cold outside. I am starting to lose inches, but this is more to bring my body back into balance.

This has been a huge over-haul! It takes a tremendous amount of dedication. The results, are worth it. I just started making these changes, and I already feel fantastic!

I look forward to some more results and I'm finally beginning to feel at peace with myself. Everybody has their own journey, but I hope that by hearing mine, you are able to find some guidance for yours.



Wednesday 19 October 2011

Just another Day

I head into town to get my morning coffee. It's not Starbucks, but it will do and it won't add an extra dimple on my behind....at least, not as fast.

I pull up to Tim Hortons with the car and as soon as I pick a parking space, it begins. Yeah, my brakes chirp. Chirping brakes brings the unwanted attention that I loathe. Heads swing round every time to see the culprit of the chirping brakes...which is me. For Pete's Sakes! They are new brakes, leave me alone.

I park the car and go inside to order my regular hit of joe. And it starts again with the guy in front of me. Hey, I know who that is! I'm sure we went to school together, ugh school.....please don't let me relive that. Not so much for the people I went to school with (the odd torment here and there), I'm talking about remembering the torment I put myself through.

Don't look back! Don't look......crap! My mind goes to a million places at once.... I'm almost 30, I haven't accomplished everything I want to do yet, I've gained weight since high school. Please don't judge me...Please don't judge me.

I walk up to the counter and order a Large coffee with half hot chocolate and one cream- hey, don't knock it til you try it. My confidence is on fire! I mean, it's fake...but who can tell?

And it hits me like a brick!

Why am I doing this to myself? Why do have to try to be so perfect? Why do I hate being judged so much? More importantly, why do I still allow others to have power over my emotions.

I begin to breathe.....

I become less tense...

I am me and that's all I can be. It will take time to achieve the things I want in life. And, maybe people aren't always trying to judge me. Maybe...just maybe, it's all in my own head!

And I let go....

Happy that I avoided a potentially, self-destructive episode, I get back in the car and crank the tunes.

Everything is ok. I'm beginning to accept myself.

On to the next challenge.......

Thursday 13 October 2011

Diva On a Dime- You too can be Cheap!

I Love to be cheap!

Not just because funds are a bit tighter these days. It's more for the challenge and the rewards of being tight with my money. That, and I have Scottish blood in me, on both sides! Haha....

Ok, so there are literally tons of ways to be cheap. These are just a few ideas off the top of my head.

I highly recommend watching "Til Debt do us Part" if you don't already. Gail Vaz-Oxlade, is a financial genius and knows how to stretch a buck! It was her "Jar Method" that I have implemented into my own household. This method uses Mason Jars to budget a weeks/months worth of physical cash to groceries, car payments, entertainment etc. This way you can track where you spend your cash. Using debit/credit cards can be a bit convenient, sometimes we lose sight of what we are spending.

Pay for everything in cash! This way, you won't have to make monthly payments on an item. Places that offer you a product at a low monthly cost, usually end up getting up to 3X's the products worth, as opposed to paying for the product all at once. Don't be tempted to purchase an item because the monthly payments are low and you want it on the spot. Take your time, save the money (a bit each month) and pay for the product in cash. Trust me, short term loss, long-term gain...for your pocket!

Purchase items out of season. I always wanted a little, electric fireplace. Just something for heat and comfort. Winter came around and it was tempting to purchase one as they were being advertised in the stores. Instead, I waited until March when the Winter season started to slow down. The cost of the fireplace went from $500.00 to $150.00! All I had to do was wait.

Back yourself up. You never know when something may happen to affect your finances. Perhaps you have to move, or you lose your job. In this case, back yourself up and don't get into a cell phone contract! If you needed to scale back on your cell phone, or move out of the companies range of service, you'll be stuck with a contract or a hefty termination fee. The solution is, save your money and purchase a phone outright. Cancellation fees range from 400-700$ depending on the carrier. This applies especially to phones that are being offered for 0$ and are worth approx. 100$ if purchased outright. If you were bound by contract, you could spend up to 400$ in fees to cancel out early. More than the phone is worth.

Only use credit cards for emergencies or a paper trail. This applies to the above suggestion: paying for everything possible in cash. It's easier to track your money and you won't have high interest rates to pay monthly. Now, I'm not saying "Don't use you credit card!" by all means, you should use your card here and there to build on your credit. That way, if you ever needed to get a loan, you have built up a good credit rapport and would be less of a risk.

Buy Second Hand. For example, if you're in need of new furniture, check out the local flea markets, yard sales or even Kijiji for local ads. Make sure the item is in good shape before purchasing. One of my favorite things to do, is to buy a cheap piece of furniture and customize it to suit me. Sand it down, add some fresh paint and purchase some new hardware, it will look just like new!

If you are Canadian, shop in the USA! Not everything is cheaper in the States, but many things are! Our friends across the border are super nice and welcome Canadians looking to save a buck...or two. Times are tough, we need to do what's necessary for survival, even if that means not buying locally. 2 Loaves of bread in the US costs approx 1.60$ (Price Choppers), one loaf of bread in Ontario (Local Grocery Store) can cost up to 3.00$! If you can't make it across the border, shop at Giant Tiger or Walmart for groceries! The prices are often lower than local grocery stores.

Always search out the best deal, before purchasing a big item. Nothing worse than buying an item and realizing that it would have been cheaper to purchase elsewhere. Check out fliers for deals or go online to compare prices.

Eat at home. Every once and a while it's nice to get out of the house for a meal, that you didn't have to cook. Doing it too often, can be very costly. If you like a certain dish that a restaurant makes, look online for a recipe that matches. For example, I love going to Starbucks! A Venti, Pumpkin Spice Latte can cost up to 6.00$ for one cup! So, I looked up the recipe myself and now I can enjoy it from home! Check out http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/pumpkin-spice-latte/detail.aspx I add Real Whip cream on top with a pinch of salt, sugar and pumkin spice- Trust me!

Look for items on sale. There's nothing wrong with purchasing No Name brands every so often, unless you don't like them. People get stuck in the idea, that brand name products offer the best quality products. That's not always the case. Try a few no name things here and there, you may find that you'll prefer some No Name products over Branded products and they are often cheaper.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to stretch your hard-earned cash. It doesn't mean that you are poor, it means that you are smart with your money! All of this advice comes from experience. At one time in my life, I was young and stupid with my own money. Don't be ashamed to be cheap, embrace it!

Good Luck,

Live Cheap and Prosper!


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Growing Up

How the Heck are you?! I'm doing GREAT! Just Peachy! Are you buying this? I know I'm not.

Truth is, I've been a bit lost. Trying to figure out my niche in life. I don't just want to survive life, I want to live it! And, I've been doing a bit of pouting, ok a TON of pouting about my past. Gosh, I could dwell on my past for the rest of my life, but that wouldn't be living.

So here I am, trying to figure out what comes next.

I have always been goal oriented. I think BIG and Dream BIG! The problem is, if things don't work out when and how I want them to, I FREAK OUT! Why do I freak out?! Geez, I put so much energy into the idea and follow through of the goal, and when it doesn't happen, it's such a let down. Poor Me......

So, what do I do about it?

Well, I can stop complaining for starters. The thing is, my goals do come true, just not on my watch. They ultimately happen but in their own time. By some strange force, something is trying to teach me to stop being so Arrogant. And, I'm starting to listen.

I'm trying to learn to become more Humble. I'm not sure why, I just feel like it's something that is necessary for my development, for my evolution. So I did a bit of research....

It turns out Shin Buddhism, or the teachings of Shinran, teaches the practice of Humilty for further development. Now, I'm not an expert in Buddhism, but certain aspects of it just make sense to me. In fact, I like to take a bit of knowledge from all beliefs either Spritually or Religiously. We can all learn from each other!

Shin Buddhism teaches two stages of development:

1-The growing stage
2-The maturing stage

In a nutshell, the Growing Stage, is literally just growing up. In this stage, we are usually arrogant and don't acccept or acknowledge our boundaries.

In the Maturing Stage, we can admit our arrogance and recognize our bounderies so that we can develop into better beings. It also teaches us that act of humility. A good person learns to become a humble person.

I remember, just a few months ago, a facebook post that I made: "I literally don't know what I'm capable of, I don't know my limits or boundaries"....Or, something to that extent. In that moment, I was arrogant. I truly felt like I had no boundaries. That I could achieve anything! This is not entirelly true, I do have boundaries.

Firstly, I'm not Superwoman! I can't do everything by myself, I will crash and burn. Next, I CAN achieve whatever I put my mind to with one exception...I have to put my entire energy into the task. I can't divide it to other tasks at the same time. I can multi-task, I can't multi-achieve. In other words, regular tasks aren't an issue. Working towards BIG ideas, takes a bit of energy. I can only work towards one big thing at a time. Also, I'm a bit impatient.

Now that I know and acknowledge my boundaries, I can continue to grow. It doesn't mean that things will ever become "perfect", it just means that I'm ready for the next stage of my life.

I don't have all the answers, I only have my own answers. To figure out what you need in life, you need to look inwards. Listen to your heart, and your dreams!

Keep Growing!

<3 Sig.

Thursday 6 October 2011

I Used to be sad: Part Deux

I left off with OCD. Before I go any further, a few things to mention. I recently spoke with a person close to me, who suffers from Severe OCD. In her case, it is a chemical inbalance and needs to be treated. I would imagine the same thing goes for depression. Always seek help. To a certain point, it is mind over matter. However, some of us are chemically imbalanced and that needs to be addressed. You may need the extra medical help, and that's ok.

In my case.....

It was temporary as well. About a year of suffering from compulsive, paranoid behavior. I believe that it was induced by severe trauma and stress. It's as if my mind broke one day and allowed the OCD to seep through. Once I started to get control of my mind, body and soul, these behaviours disapeared as fast as they appeared.

I'm not a psychiatrist and I didn't recieve help for my issues. It was a journey of self discovery and self diagnosis. I don't expect everyone to be able to handle their problems the same way that I did.

I read a lot, and I faced my demons on my own. If you aren't strong enough to do this, please seek help!

Over the years, I have experienced brief glimpses of many serious disorders. I have always, somehow gained control. I'm too stubborn to get off of my destined path in life.

However, I'm not perfect. Hell, it would be rediculous to claim that I'm completely healed from my past, when I'm not.

I likely have an eating disorder....Binge eating.

I have a difficult time balancing a normal diet because of my impulse to gorge at times. At other times, I will eat very little and it becomes a continuous circle of Eat>Don't Eat>Gorge>Don't Eat>Eat.

But hey, who doesn't have issues?! You just have to keep moving forward, keep fighting. Seek help when needed. Talk about it! Don't be ashamed of who you are, be proud instead.

I'm always here if anyone needs someone to talk to...

I wish you all well,



Wednesday 5 October 2011

Pst! Can You Keep a Secret?! I Used to be Sad

Part Un:

And by sad, I mean seriously depressed. Yes, I'm about to let you have a small glimpse of my past. I'm doing this because, I believe that my screw-ups will someday be someone else's success story.

Now, where to start.....

"Stuff" happened in my past that contributed to my growing depression. I'm not going to break it down. It's personal and I don't believe in pointing fingers. That being said....

I believe that I was 15 ish when I started to become severely depressed. I didn't care about how I looked and I certainly didn't care to attract young boys.

At this age (15-16 ish), I needed to find an outlet for my anger. I had a thing for Freud and recognized that I had a problem, I just didn't know how to fix it. I didn't have help, and I'm not sure that people realized the torment that I was putting myself through.

I began to write- I wrote about the dark, angry things that swallowed up my thoughts. Every day, I dedicated a new thought to a small journal I kept. It was an innocent looking journal, with two small horses on its front cover. I locked up my depression in the pages of that journal.

After a while, the journal fixation became stale, I needed a new outlet. I was even angrier now. Writing angry thoughts on a piece of paper and ripping it into tiny shreds, just wasn't cutting it anymore.


And so I did. For a brief moment in my life, I started to experiment with cutting myself. Thankfully, I stopped before I got brave enough to go deeper and cause some serious scarring.

Let me explain to you, how cutting myself made me feel....

It was both sick and satisfying all at once. It put me into a haze, or trance like world. It allowed me to escape from my reality.

I had control! I got to pick the sacred spot on my arm, that would be sacrificed to the knife. I felt like a useless being who needed to be punished.

When I drew blood, I felt triumphant. It was thrilling to see the blood trickling down my arms. I felt powerful, because I controlled this hurt on my body, NOBODY ELSE!


It took me about 6mths of on and off cutting to realize that this was very wrong. It became less enjoyable, and I was tired of covering up my arms with long t-shirts. And then one day, it Hit me!
I was looking for control, over myself.

The issue all along, was that I felt completely and utterly out of control of my life, body and decisions. That is why I cut myself.

I was lucky enough to figure that out on my own. I started to recognize my depression and I chose to face it.

Some of us aren't that lucky. Take it from somebody who's been there, trapped in a whirlwind of self destruction. I know how you're feeling. I know the hurt, dissapointment and anger that consumes you.

You CAN get through anything in life! ANYTHING! Nobody can tell you to do it, you have to want it for yourself. I'm just telling you that it's possible...your choice.

Was I completely healed from my own self destruction, after stumbling on to its cause?


Next came the tormenting habits of flicking the light switch on, and off, and on, and off. Followed by the obsessive washing, and re-washing, and re-washing of my newly cracked and chapped hands.


Monday 3 October 2011

Show Some Love - Say Something Back When I Comment!

One of my biggest pet peeves as far as Social Networking Etiquette is concerned. Now, I'm an opinionated lady and I like to give my opinion. No worries, I'm kind and I respect the feelings of others. Also, I'm not a huge fan of Trolls.

That being said, if I comment on a post, status, tweet, blog or anything else, have the common curtesy to respond back. It could be a simple "thank-you", just to show that my opinion is being acknowledged. Nothing worse than giving a heart felt opinion and having nothing in response. It's so cold and I wouldn't do it to you.

Now to be fair, it doesn't happen often. Also, people get busy and blah blah. Did I mention that I'm understanding as well. Nobody is perfect, NOBODY!

This is just more of a reminder to some people in the Social Network. Some of the strangers.

Bloggers for example.....

I recently commented on 2 blogs. If you are pouring your heart out in a post for the world to see, be prepared to get some feedback somewhere along the way. Show some love and say something back to your readers. Perhaps they will read more!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some sort of Social Networking Groupie! I don't go out and seek certain people or posts to comment on, just for a response. If I give an opinion, it's generally for a reason, even if it's just to be goofy :D I don't expect a response to a goofy comment.

Personally, I love responding back to my readers! Interactions are fantastic and can lead to Great Ideas!

So go ahead, don't be afraid to say something. I'm here and I'm Showing Some Love :)



Sunday 2 October 2011

Girl Crush?! 5 Female Characters Who Can Kick Butt!

I'm not saying that I have a Girl Crush, but if I did.....

I would have to start with one of my Favorite Female Characters...

Lara Croft:

A fictional, protagonist Hot-Eh! Based on a video game character in the video game series Tomb Raider. Ok, mostly for the fact the she is played by Angelina Jolie *Schwing* in the Movie version. Something about that wild, independe

nt attitude is so captivating. I'm perfectly confident in my ability to seriously injur the opposite sex, however I very seriously doubt that I could "take one out" with the same effectiveness as Lara!

Next is......

Sarah Connor:

If you don't know who she is, STOP READING NOW! Just kidding, just kidding! She is known as the heroine in The popular Terminator Series. She has been played by both Linda Hamilton and Lena Headey from the tv series. I have to say, both were pretty awesome! However, the first time I watched the Terminator and caught a glimpse of Linda's Pipes, it forever changed the way I looked at strong, independent women! I wanted to be, and still want to be Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton)!

The Next Female character on the List is....

Alice from the Horror/Action film Resident Evil:

No other than the beautiful Milla Jovovich. Thanks to her kick-butt tactics against the Throngs of blood hungry Zombies, I now have a few moves saved up for the Post Apocalyptic Zombie Invasion....Oh, it's going to happen!!!!

And if for some reason, she's out of commission, my back-up is...

Rain Ocampo:

Also a character (who dies) from Resident Evil, played by Michelle Rodriguez. I don't care if she died in the movie! I believe that this girl has my back! Actress or not, Michelle can seriously kick some butt! She's built like a tank in a feminine sort of way. Ahhh, did that even make sense?! Nevermind, she's still on my Zombie Killing Team...I should look up her number. Better to be prepared o.O

Last but not least....

Aeon Flux:

Played by the, oh so talented Charlize Theron. Firstly, I love Black! Black clothes, black hair....and this girl rocks them all! Her amazing flexibilty and strength, remind me that curves can be multi-purposeful! She has taught me the Art of Becoming a "Skilled Assassin". Her moves paired with "The Crane Stance" burrowed from The Karate Kid, has transformed me into a deadly force to be reckoned with!

Be Very Afraid!

Or not....

Well, I think it's that time to go and perfect my Round House Kick! Ah, who am I kidding?!

Till next time...



Friday 30 September 2011

What the F@&k is Washroom Etiquette?!

*Not applicable to the wonderful ladies who continue to practice good Washroom Etiquette*

To the rest of you......

Dear Pigs,

I honestly don't understand how some of you continue to miss the toilet. The objective is to aim within the white ring. Not on it, around it or on the walls. As much as I can appreciate a great work of art, feces on a wall doesn't do it for me.

When I'm in the stall next to you, and you leave before me without washing your hands.....

I know you didn't wash your hands and you know you didn't wash your hands. Don't force me to look down at your footwear and stalk you armed with a bottle of hand sanitizer. I will do it!

FLUSH YOUR WASTE! Not sure what kind of a sick fetish you have with your excrement, but I'm not interested! Leave that Sh*t at home!

Put your litter in the garbage bins. Nobody wants to pick up your paper towels or used something or others. If I catch you doing this, I'm going to call you on it....No Mercy!

Last but not least, be Discreet with your Monthly Visiter! I don't have to break this one down, you know what I'm talking about here. Just don't do it! It's filthy and you're filthy!

Respect Washroom Etiquette! Think about the person who has to use the washroom after you. It could be a child, an eldery woman or a 30-ish woman who will wrangle you to the floor in a fit of anger!

Don't tempt me...



Wednesday 28 September 2011

Winding down .....

Everyone's asleep right now but me. Even Mr.Muggles is coiled up and resting peacefully in his cage. Why can't I sleep? Likely has something to do with the 3 XL Coffees I had earlier, along with the green tea. You're a Friggen Genius Sig!

Well, since I'm laying here, I might as well put this overactive brain to use. What the heck is up with me these days? I feel so darn dis-organized. Talk about, perfecting the Art of Chaos. Now I'm just feeling sorry for myself. Come on Sig, the world is full of suffering, stop feeling sorry for yourself!

All right, back on track.....

Life, what is the purpose of our existance? I mean seriously, it must be for observational purposes. We were created to be observed. Well, I suppose that makes sense. Give man a destination, throw in some free will and temptation, good/bad luck and see what happens. Ha! when you think of it that way, it kind of sounds like somebodies idea of a sick joke!

Life didn't come with an instruction manual, how do I know if I'm living mine right? Am I making the right decisions? I have no clue, I'm just wingin' it.

I kind of don't want to sleep right now. I won't dare think about that recurring dream I seem to have, every few years. The one with the Demon.... Crap! Too late.

Think happy thoughts! Nature, I like Nature...and trees and stuff...

But really, that dream was messed up. The demon was an Incubus, and he was super possessive!

Hmmm...Did I lock the door?!

Ok, so what do I want out of life? I mean, aside from the usual family, safety, success and all that stuff. What the heck do I REALLY want? Do my goals even make sense right now?

Like, material things....

Are just things. I could lose them in one day, and have nothing to show for it! Kind of seems like a waste to me...

But Dorian deserves so much more...and he needs space, and education and ..well, I could go on all night with this topic.

Yup, life.... She's a funny thing. All unpredictable and stuff. Just like that box, with the chocolates, ya never know...


What if life was a Candy Land...only with Chocolate!

Chocolate bikes...

Chocolate Cars..

Chocolate Dogs.


Tuesday 27 September 2011

Does this Tattoo above my *ss, look like a Tramp Stamp?!

For the record, I don't have a tatt above my ass.

Unfortunately, we are living in a society, where tattoos have become a growing trend. Many associate tattoos on a woman as being promiscuous. I can assure you, that is not the case! Well, at least not in this case. I know plenty of women/girls who are without ink, and who are just as promiscuous. Tattoos have nothing to do with 'The Slut Factor'.

In fact, out of retaliation, I may just get a tatt on my lower back! Ha!

See, for some of us, tattoos actually have some sort of symbolism or meaning to them. We aren't all looking to be trendy.

Personally, I have 4 tattoos. They range from small to medium in size. Each of them have a meaning. Except for my first one (located on my lower left calf). It was suppose to be a Pointsettia as I was born in December. I could have put a bit more thought into that one.

I have a 'D' for my son Dorian (located on my inner, right wrist). I see it every day, it's simple and I know what it stands for.

I have a twig-like cross (located on my inner, left wrist). I struggled with this one for weeks before I settled on its design.

A typical, Latin Cross is symbolic of the Cross on which Christ was Crucified. I wanted my cross to symbolize Nature and Religion together.
At this time in my life, I looked towards the similarities between Paganism and Christianity.

Paganism is a very Natural, rustic belief in Polytheism and mythological rituals. I won't go on further with this particular topic......

The last tattoo I have, is a Scarab Beetle (located on my inner, right arm).

Ancient Egyptians had a marvelous Culture and Belief system. I often find myself referencing them when researching science, beauty care, religion and rituals. They have paved the way for many of our Rituals/traditions today.

I have a thing for Amulets: a small talisman symbolizing beneficent power, and is worn for protection and strength.

The Ancient Egyptians also believed in the power of Amulets. Scarab Beetles were considered Powerful Amulets. They were sacred and associated with the God of the rising Sun (Khepri). They represented regeneration, immortality and devine wisdom.

So remember, the next time you see a woman tattooed, it doesn't mean that your chances of getting laid are bumped up a notch. It doesn't mean that she is not religious. And, if you use the term 'Tramp Stamp' you may get kicked in the nuts! .......Just Sayin'



Monday 26 September 2011

I Put that SH*T on EVERYTHING!

I like it Hot N' Spicy and Sour!

No really, I used to completely cover my food with a mountain of black pepper. Recently, during one of my detoxing fits, I came across a recipe for Lemonade which included a touch of Cayenne Pepper! Being my usual, unsual self, I gave 'er a try...and Bam! It was Love at first Sip. Now, I put that Sh*t on Everything! Ok, almost everything.

Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper(Capsicum):

* Great for circulation and helps to equalize blood pressure.
* Improves digestion and tummy issues.
* Great for Heartburn
* Cold remedy when mixed with honey

And it goes on and on......

My current love affair, does not end with Cayenne Pepper. I've also become quite fond of Lemon! Both are kept in my kitchen at all times.

Health Benefits of Lemon(Rutaceae):

* Lemon tea relieves headaches
* Known to help with asthma
* Good source of Vit C.
* Diminishes Allergies
* Detoxifier

And it goes on and on...

*WARNING- Being that Lemon is a Natural Detoxifier, taking in large amounts, will cause your skin to break out. This is because the lemon is ridding the body of impurities.So, be sure not to ingest too much before an important event...Trust Me! :S

Of course, before you decide to conclusively jump on the Hot n' Sour bandwagon, try it first in small doses. Everything in Moderation ;)

Master Cleanser Recipe: Always do your research and consult your Doctor before detoxing. Especially if you have health issues.

•2 Tablespoons of organic lemon Juice (about 1/2 a Lemon)
•2 Tablespoons of Organic grade B maple syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup)
•1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder
•Ten ounces of filtered water

*Takes a bit to get used to but has great benefits!


<3 Sig.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Going from Shy to Less Shy

A topic close to home......

I'm your typical Extrovert trapped in an Introverts Body. Sounds like an Oxymoron? My whole life is an Oxymoron! Ok, enough of feeling sorry for myself, let's talk shy.

I'm super duper shy in a public setting. No really, like face turning fuschia pink shy.It's a horrible feeling and is often quite uncomfortable. So, here's what I did/do to kick Shy's Ass!

10 Steps to Kick Shy's Ass

1.) Own it Baby!
You are the boss of yourself. Stand up straight, puff out your chest (or not) and be Proud of who You Are!

2.) Make eye Contact!
I know, I know, this one is super tough. I find that by avoiding eye contact, people tend to think that you're a snob. Looking people in the eye shows confidence, or maybe you are a snob.... and that's ok!

3.) Say "Hello"!
Try this randomly on people you encounter. They will either look at you like you're insane, or greet you back with the same. It's a 50/50 chance.

4.) Self Talk
I don't mean rambling out loud to yourself like a mad Man/Woman/Lady Gaga (Gaga is in a Category of her own). I mean, talk it over in your head. Remind yourself to take chances.

5.) Talk to Strangers!
You're an adult now, you don't have to listen to your parents nagging voice in your ear "Don't talk to strangers". Strike up a random conversation every now and again. If the conversation completely flops, you will not likely see them again in your travels. Unless you meet at the same spot, everyday, at the same time...than you're screwed. Choose your strangers wisely.

6.) Be Polite!
ALWAYS hold the doors for people! This is not only polite, but it also makes you approachable.

7.) Smile Damn You!
I used to Loathe smiling for no reason. I always worried that it looked forced and fake. Now, I could care less. I smile just to see if I get a smile in return :)

8.) Breathe!
When you start to feel yourself getting nervous, take a moment and breathe! Your brain will be grateful for the Oxygen.

9.) Don't be over the top
Don't do more than you can handle. Telling jokes to random strangers may scare some of them off. Actually, it would be kind of funny. Give me a call if you do this ;)

10.) Be Brave!
You're the Man/Woman/Lady Gaga and You Kick Ass! It's all mind over matter Baby!

So, these are my tips to overcome shyness. It's not a guaranteed formula but it works for me. Feel free to let me know if you give it a try, I love to have feedback on my Ramblings.

Good Luck,

And may the Force be with You!


<3 Sig.

Saturday 24 September 2011

No Longer a Blogging Virgin!

Hello All!

My Name is Siggy and I'm Pleased to Meet You!

Welcome to the Ramblings of a Crazy Woman! And by crazy, I mean different! This is my first attempt at blogging, so be sure to disregard any errors as I'm sure there will be many ;)

Now that the informal, formalities are complete....let's begin with the Ramblings! Whoot!

I will start by saying, I'm really not that crazy! I'm just a bit different. I like to see things from different perspectives. You will likely not always agree with my ideas, but that's what makes reading my blogs so interesting.

For Instance, I believe that Dreams have very powerful properties! I dream every night and can recall much of the content. I understand the scientific nature of dreams, and take that into consideration. I especially enjoy Freud's dream interpretation and Theory of the Unconscience forming "Wish Fulfillment" as we dream. This theory makes sense to me, because I believe that we repress so much emotion during our waking hours, that it's only natural for the information to seep out during sleep. So much is unknown about the "Dream World" and this is where different comes into play.

 I see symbolic meaning in every aspect of life. It can be seen in Nature (trees, plants, etc), Animals, Our Ancestors and Ourselves. It's in the way we act and react, our primal instincts when forced into dangerous situations and by the vivid dreams we conjur up as we sleep peacefully through the night. Dreams are not something that we can control, right? Or can we? I've become very good at Lucid Dreaming, It's a whole new experience and worth a try if you're up to the challenge. http://www.wikihow.com/Lucid-Dream I also find that reminding yourself before sleep, that "I'ts only a Dream", sends a message to the subconscience that can be recalled during sleep.

Recently, I've embarked on Spirit Journeys during sleep. I know, I know.... WTF? Right? Well, just remember that we all have different backgrounds and I'm starting to scrape the surface of my own (Woodland Cree Indian).

I believe that dreams send us messages, we just have to listen. A more recent one for myself, is to let go of anger and resentment. Now perhaps this is not a Spiritual message. Perhaps, others will see it as the voice of God intervening and reminding me to be forgiving. Or, perhaps it's just my own supressed guilt for resenting people of my past. Whatever it is, it's something, and I'm now starting to listen.

So there you have it. Just a tiny peak into the craziness that is my brain. I hope I haven't scared you off yet, as I'm sure that I will do that at some point if you continue to read my blogs :D


<3 Sig.